Nestor Urquiza

Nestor Urquiza was born in Santa Clara, Cuba. He went to a Science Institute (IPVCE Ernesto Guevara de la Serna) for his secondary education. He studied Microelectronics at the High Electro-Mechanical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria and he later got his Science Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering in Cuba from an international acredited university (Universidad Central de Las Villas or UCLV). Nestor got several certifications in the RF, IT and Security fields. He lived in Argentina for almost five years, in the United States for 16 years and most recently in Spain. Nestor obtained his Master of Business Administration in 2016 from Florida International University (FIU) and holds the (ISC)2 CISSP Certification.

He started working with software in the early 1980s. He has been involved from low level microelectronics design up to enterprise software development. Nestor has worked as Independent Consultant helping several companies with strategy alignment, analytics driven growth marketing, regulatory compliance, physical/logical/administrative security, business processes, technology stacks, on premises and cloud infrastructure, team building and hiring. He has also worked inside Corporations as Chief Technology/Information/Product/Security Officer, VP of Technology, Software Architect, Hardware Engineer, System Administrator, Network Engineer, Database Administrator, Software Engineer, Penetration Tester, Project Manager, Business Analyst and Product Manager.

Nestor Urquiza writes about software in Thinking In Software Blog. He is actively involved in validating technologies and methodologies to increase productivity across the entire Company pipeline.

He is currently working in a secure language translation platform.

Nestor currently lives in Madrid with his wife, two sons and daughter. He likes soccer and never misses a Boca Juniors match.



App Name Description Preview
Outlook Message-ID Plugin

Right-click on an Outlook email and get an option to copy its Message-Id. Right click on an Outlook folder and get an option to search in that folder for a Message-Id.

Download a trial that allows you to perform once each operation every time you open Outlook and if you need the unlimited version then contact me for pricing and payment options.

Plugin Demo